All funds raised will be used toward the purchase of motorcycles/dirt bikes to enable indigenous Christian leaders to reach their own people with the love and message of Jesus. Transportation is a strategic tool for world evangelism. Most indigenous pastors working in jungles, mountain villages, and distant towns are limited to walking. A motorcycle/dirt bike will help an indigenous pastor expand their outreach "unto the uttermost parts of the earth". (Acts 1:8)
Provide motorcycles to indigenous pastors-cost is between $1,500-$3,000 per bike.
Check back for 2025 ride information
Testimonies from 2 pastors who received motorcycles.
Thomas and Judith
Thomas and Judith
Update 2024 Jon Just Motorcycle Ride
“Every time we think of you, we thank God for you”
I Thessalonians 1:2
I Thessalonians 1:2

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and reflect on things we are grateful for - and
near the top of our list is YOU!!! We’re grateful for all who participated in the
2024 Jon “Just Get ER Done” Memorial Motorcycle Ride this past September.
We’re grateful for those of you who prayed, who joined us on your motorcycle
(55) or for the picnic dinner (140). We’re grateful for all of you who have so
generously given of your precious finances. We’re so grateful that, to date, over
$81,000 has been raised!! These funds will be used to purchase many
motorcycles for indigenous pastors in Africa where transportation is crucial to the expansion of their ministries and to bless their communities. These pastors are grateful for the investment that each of you are making in their ministries.
Contributions will continue to be taken until the end of December 2024. At that
time the process of application and decision making will begin for the distribution of these important vehicles of ministry.
As a family, we’re grateful that for the last twenty years, God has allowed Jon’s
legacy to continue to be written in this way. We’re grateful that God continues
to redeem our grief by turning it into an “eternal blessing” for many pastors in
Africa as they share the Good News of Jesus with their communities.
Please check back after the first of the year to find out the final total of funds
raised and updates on where (and how many!) motorcycles will be given to the
pastors. Be sure to take time this holiday season to reflect on what you’re
grateful for as you celebrate with your loved ones….. We’re grateful for you!
near the top of our list is YOU!!! We’re grateful for all who participated in the
2024 Jon “Just Get ER Done” Memorial Motorcycle Ride this past September.
We’re grateful for those of you who prayed, who joined us on your motorcycle
(55) or for the picnic dinner (140). We’re grateful for all of you who have so
generously given of your precious finances. We’re so grateful that, to date, over
$81,000 has been raised!! These funds will be used to purchase many
motorcycles for indigenous pastors in Africa where transportation is crucial to the expansion of their ministries and to bless their communities. These pastors are grateful for the investment that each of you are making in their ministries.
Contributions will continue to be taken until the end of December 2024. At that
time the process of application and decision making will begin for the distribution of these important vehicles of ministry.
As a family, we’re grateful that for the last twenty years, God has allowed Jon’s
legacy to continue to be written in this way. We’re grateful that God continues
to redeem our grief by turning it into an “eternal blessing” for many pastors in
Africa as they share the Good News of Jesus with their communities.
Please check back after the first of the year to find out the final total of funds
raised and updates on where (and how many!) motorcycles will be given to the
pastors. Be sure to take time this holiday season to reflect on what you’re
grateful for as you celebrate with your loved ones….. We’re grateful for you!